Johnsongrass, revisited...
In case anyone is wondering why I have whined soooooo much about my Johnsongrass infestation...

This was the view from the cab today...

And here's a side view. Keep in mind, I'm sitting in the cab of a medium sized tractor, five feet off the ground.
I mowed this field July third to a height of about 6 inches. In less than thirty days it's nearly six feet high. The problem lies in the fact that the stems start getting like cornstalks. Horses won't eat 'em, nor will cows. It makes good hay provided you can cut it before it gets this high, unfortunately the weather has refused to cooperate with me this season.
They used to say Kudzu was the weed that ate the South. but I believe Johnsongrass can take that title.
In fact, I think it could choke out Kudzu if given a chance.
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