Just to get sweetie riled up
I came dragging home even more rusty broken junk today...
I went by a local equipment place looking for a four dollar sprayer part and ended up buying an old Deutz Fahr 17' hay tedder. I've been wanting a bigger tedder for several years now, but it was never in the budget. I looked at this particular little diamond in the rough last year and they were asking about four hundred for it. It is missing the driveshaft and has a broken gearbox housing that will have to be replaced or welded, I'd much prefer replacing it.
Not that don't trust bigger brothers welding, because I do trust his handiwork. But I'm not for sure how much good it'll do beings how the gearbox is cast rather than milled. Cast iron/steel tends to become even more brittle after you hit with heat. Something about altering the molecules or some such. Metalworking class was a loooong time ago.
Anyhow, today I saw it was still sitting there with the weeds grown up taller that it was and played dumb and asked what they'd take for it.
He called the owner (this was one of those consignment deals) and asked him what he'd take. The guy kept saying "make me an offer" which is something I hate to do, because it usually gets somebody pissed off.
He got off the phone and said "How's a hunnert dollars sound?"
"Will you take a check?"
I didn't exactly yank his arm off, but I came close. The last one I priced that was field ready was $1800. It will cost me about a hundred to build a driveshaft and I figure the housing will run me about another four, unless I can find one in a boneyard. So theoretically I will have about five hundred and some time in it. Not that much if bigger brother welds it up.
I also found some sheet metal for TC's 165 Ferguson too. Got him a hood and a nosecone for $25. That's about 600 bucks worth of sheetmetal. Needless to say, he was very happy with me today.
They also had a Ford that I would have been very content to bring home. Similar to this one, sans cab.

Unfortunately he's asking 15K for it, which isn't a bad price, it's just about 12 more than I can afford right now. 'sides, I'd druther have a 10 series. They've got a little more metal in 'em.
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