I am glad that's over with
I've finally made it home after standing outside in the mud, wind, sleet, rain and wet socks all damn day. The nuts were coming out of the woodwork today. TC told me more than once today "If I'da knowed this sh*t was brangin' this much I'da brought everthang I own over here and sold it."
I actually did see a few bargains today. Also saw a lot of no-sales too... The tedder that I went to buy, well, we'll just say some fool wanted it worse than I did. The bad part is I'd watched a New Holland tedder sell for four hundred earlier and didn't take my hands out of my pockets because I was holding out for the Deutz Fahr tedder (since I have the one I bought a couple of weeks ago to rob parts off of). For what the one brought today, I can fix the one I have and have a considerable chunk of change left over.
The M&W baler brought $2500... not a bad price at all, but a bit more than I wanted to put into it. The Gehl 1400 brought $1700 and like a fool I stood and watched the NH 269 sell for $150... never considering that the knotters were worth far more than that. And will bolt right up to our NH273.
They brought in another Gehl 1400, that wasn't as nice as the first one. It is in need of a good greasing and a new set of belts. It brought $600, the buyer no-saled it, but said he would take seven for it, so the high bidder, being myself, purchased said machine for the princely sum of $700.
I went over to speak to the man who sold him to see what he could tell me about it. I walked around and introduced myself and asked if there was anything he knew of that was wrong with it and out conversation went like this;
"I was baling with it two years ago when I parked it. I decided it was time to retire and sell off my equipment, 'cause I'm not going to be needing it anymore.
I'm seventy-five years old, just had open heart surgery, I'm diabetic, blind in one eye and going blind in t'other.
That baler is kinda like me, old and wore out, but it's still got a lot of life left in it."
I think he was pleased that a (relatively) young guy like me had bought it to put to good use.
And that was pretty much my day.
My damn feet are still cold.
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