Mo' baby pictures

Let's sneak up on Junior and see if he's camera shy now that he's learned how to run. I sound like that idiot Steve Irwin don't I?

It looks like he'll take his coloration from Lucy, which is fine by me, I like sorrels anyway. I hope he gets her disposition too.

I thought this was a pretty neat shot.

mmmmmm dinner!

You've got to love the wary look in his eye here. He's not quite sure what I'm up to, but he's comfortable and doesn't want to get up and hide behind Lucy just yet.
I watched him for a while this morning when we turned him out for the first time. I love to watch foals when they are learning how to use their legs. They'll stop and start, stumble around and then gradually figure out how their legs work. I didn't see him when he ran for the first time (I did get to see several false starts though), but I did see him when he bucked for the first time. That was pretty funny. He ran around and around Lucy bucking and kicking away, as if to say "hey mommy! Look what I can do!"
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