Sunday, April 10, 2005

The new arrival

Age approximately one hour.

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It's a filly. She is still a bit wobbly, but is showing a healthy appetite. The only reason that I have pictures is because we put momma and baby up because baby is still too young to understand the concept of a fence and we were afriad baby might get cut up in the dark. Some mares will keep their foals away from such things, but for some reason this mare didn't seem too interested in what baby was up to. I watched her (baby) walk into the fence twice before we decided to put them up for the night.

Now for the fun part. Baby as yet has no name, so I'm going to make an executive descision and declare a name contest. All six of babies siblings have names related to places in the Smokey Mountians. Since some of you folks who read this drivel live up in there, I think it might be interesting to see what people come up with. If you don't live there, don't let that stop you! If I weren't so lazy, I'd just pull a map, but what's the fun in that?

Anyhoo, it's late, I'm tired (I've just finished my placenta burying chores... I am sure you wanted to hear that, didn't you?) and I'm going to bed.