Friday, May 13, 2005

New arrival, Volume III

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Little man appeared sometime today or early this morning without any assistance from anyone save his mother.

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He's the last one for this year and probably the last one for several years to come, as we are getting away from this madness for a while at least.

Better photos tomorrow, the batteries in the camera were nearly dead.

Howdy to all the folks that Glenn sent this way. We actually have three foals, just scroll waaaaaaay on down (past much dreck and drivel) to see 'em.

I quit writing for a few days and get an Instalaunch from the All-powerful, All-Wise and All-Knowing Blogfather. I had already noticed the ole' sitemeter stats were up since I haven't written anything in a week. Wonder what that says about my writing?

Anyway, thanks Glenn!

I will try to have more pictures of newest boy up tomorrow night. Would've already done it, but I've been covered up at work and even more covered up with side projects.