Saturday, October 15, 2005

Whereupon I drag home more junk

Went to an equipment sale today, looking for another hay wagon, brought home a Gehl 260 gyro rake. Dirt cheap. Funny thing is, I didn't even bid on it, TC did... I was on the damn phone and missed it. He knew I'd been looking at it, no-one seemed to be interested in it (rotary rakes ain't real popular 'round here) so he bought it for me. Probably the cheapest rake we've ever bought, this now makes me hayrake-poor as I now have 6, yes six. Three bar-rakes, a tedder-rake and now this contraption. Too bad it'll be next spring before I can try it out.

Sweetie had the camera so there's no pictures today.

Bargains of the day were a Case 310 Dozer with good undercarriage for $5900 (bidding went to $5700 and was a no-sale. Owner said he'd take $5900). A Lincoln AC/DC stick welder (don't remember the model #) for $125. 24 foot tandem axle gooseneck equipment trailer for $2800. 110 gallon spray rig with boomless nozzles for $175 (I should have bought that). "C" Allis with tricycle front end, ran well, decent tires, $475... you can't buy a riding lawnmower for that. If it were a wide front, I might have had some interest in it, but I really don't have any use for it.