Tired of Farm Equipment yet?
No? Good, because TC and I went over to where they're going to have the sale Saturday to see what-all was there.
First off, I have a couple of views of some of the odds and ends in the third row.

NH268 and a #12 Massey...

a NH 269 and I think a Ford 530.
Nothing that I'm particularly interested in, unless they are damn near giveaways. I'd like to find a newer square baler than these. Unfortunately, the best looking square baler there is a Ford 532 (it was back down the row and I didn't take a picture). New Idea built them for Ford, but they were never real popular around here and parts may be an issue. I'm thinking I'd best stick with New Holland.
Then we have a couple of things I am interested in, provided my banker is in a good mood.

An M&W roller. I don't know anyone who has one, but from what I understand, there is less crap on 'em to tear up. Advantage is that it'll bale anything, even corn stalks, but it is a fixed chamber, soft core baler. I'm stuck with whatever size bale it makes. On the other hand...

there is also this Gehl 1400, which is the same baler I am accustomed to, with different paint. Advantage to this is I have many spare parts laying around. A balers worth in fact. Disadvantage is that it is a closed throat baler, so it's harder to start a bale with, but at least I do know what I'd be getting into with this one.
An old McCormick (IH) drill that TC and I are thinking about going in together on. It has a small seed box, so it can be used for clover as well as Ryegrass, Rye, Fescue or whatever else we want to plant.

And finally, a couple of "DuPont" restorations.

A 4020 Deere and

an Allis 180. Both machines are good workhorses, but I believe the Deere is the better tractor of the two. The Allis tractors from that era had transmission issues. I would have liked to have seen them not repainted, rather than dressed in their going-to-town finery.
We stopped by a dealer on the way out who just happened to have a decent looking NH273 sitting out back. Again, this is what I am used to, but they're a mite steep on it. They're asking $1500. I told 'em that was a bit much for a 30 year old baler that had sat outside all winter with hay still in the bale chamber and offered 'em $700. For a minute there, I was afraid he was going to take it... then he threatened to throw rocks at me. I told him I'd be by Saturday to talk to him again. He was in a huddle with his partner when we left... I'm thinking I may be able to bring it home for a thousand dollars. We'll see. I'm still hoping to talk WB into selling me the NH275 I used last year.